Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Reduction Dropoff 5/11/11

Dropped off a bunch of stuff for ^10R. These are all SCMO+0.75%SiC with Spotted Black and Hanna's Fake Ash Over. Most also with Water Color Green.
"Before" pics after the jump...


Pitcher and Vase

Pitcher and Cookie Jar

Two more Cookie Jars

Cookie Jar and Bowl

Cups and a Cookie Jar

One more Cookie Jar

Cookie Jar lids

Big wide pot

Tall vase (no fake ash on this one)

Total is
4 Pitchers
6 Cookie Jars
1 vase
1 Bowl

5 Cups
2 Big pots

Also - 5 Shino/Tenmoku Mugs

24 total

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